Some quotes to ponder as you hike this summer... or not 😉
"Only those who wonder will find new paths." --Norwegian Proverb
"Curiosity keeps us heading down new paths." --Walt Disney
"No love, no friendship can cross the path of our destiny without leaving some mark on it forever." --Francois Mauriac (French novelist of the early 20th century and lifelong Roman Catholic)
"Mountains cannot be surmounted, except by winding paths." --Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (German poet)
"Difficult roads often have beautiful destinations." --Zig Ziglar (American motivational speaker)
"In order to get through the hardest journey, wo only need to take one step at a time... but we MUST keep on stepping." --Chinese Proverb
"An interesting journey never follows a straight path." Marjan van der Belt ([female] New Zealand-American Ecological Economist)
"Do not go where the path may lead; go instead where there is no path and leave a trail." --Ralph Waldo Emerson (American 19th philosopher & author; co-founder of the Transcendental Meditation religious movement)
"In life, you either find your own path and lead a authentic life, or follow others and become part of a herd." --Paul T.P. Wong (Canadian Psychologist)
"Pursue some path, however narrow and crooked, in which you ca walk with love and reverence." ---Henry David Thoreau (American 19th philosopher & author; co-founder of the Transcendental Meditation religious movement)
"Your Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path." --King David of Israel, ~1000 B.C. in Psalm 119:105