Thursday, August 1, 2024

Who's Paying?

     Elon Mu$k is insistent that the population should keep growing, not stabilize or shrink.  Many people had called for population control for environmental reasons. Mu$k wants growth for continued economic expan$ion.
     If the population expands, there will be more children born who will have a lifetime of needs. Yes, they will also be con$umer$, but some will need significant social supports.
     Also, if there are more consumers, there will be more environmental impacts.
     If Mu$k wants this expansion, then he needs to be the billionaire leading the charge to raise marginal taxes* on the wealthy.  These tax revenues will provide more services for those born with more needs and will pay for environmental clean-ups.  Perhaps it could also provide more daycare and early childhood education free to more people (via vouchers, of course, so it wouldn't involve Mu$k indoctrination).
    Instead, billionaire$ like him are fine with increa$ing the gap between rich and poor. But a larger population gives him more people from which to increa$e his own wealth.  He and other billionaire$ need to pay higher marginal taxe$ on their upper earning$.

*Marginal taxes:  taxes charged only on income above a certain level or "margin."  When people talk about charging higher taxes on the rich (this blog repeatedly calls for a 42% upper income marginal level), that percentage (i.e. 42%) is not taxed on the person's entire income, but only on amounts above a certain level, say, $500,000 or $1 million.


Anonymous said...

Musk, the cultural Christian, who wants the rules part, but not the personal repentance part. And he wants the church to say the difficult things. Like on trans issues, for him.

Anonymous said...

Ramaswamy, too. He's not quite a billionaire but close. His money is more from duping others about a couple biotech ideas than real biotech. Instead of blaming the supposed lack of available native born STEM employees on 1990s sitcoms, he could help develop American STEM scholars. If it's all culture, why aren't the children of naturalized STEM employees from Asia filling the STEM needs for ongoing generations?

The Right might blame teachers, but maybe it's the US lack of financial support for education, including STEM education. Maybe Ramaswamy should fund after-school STEM clubs. Maybe he should throw his support towards parental leave, better salaries and other things that help parents raise and society foster STEM scholars.

Anonymous said...

And university education should be cheaper in the US, including STEM education. Even state universities are pricey.