Thursday, October 29, 2015

Oh, Really?

Q: How are a personal security agent and a flamboyant poet alike?

A: One is a "bodyguard" and the other is a "gaudy bard." ---Marie Byars

Saturday, September 5, 2015

Labor Day

Even Jesus worked!  
He probably started young, helping out his step-father, Joseph, in the carpenter's shop.
Happy Labor Day!


Wednesday, April 1, 2015

The Mighty Baywolf (an epic)

[with NO apologies to Beowulf nor my high school English teachers]

There is a Saxon Fierce
As strong as 30 steers
Who claims he's felt no fears
In all his 80 years.
'Round him rise up jeers
From warriors chugging beers.
Baywolf rises as he leers
Greeted by his brave band's cheers.
What I see now does certainly beat all
In this, the cold and stench-filled mead hall:
Baywolf, standing proud and tall
Sees his opponents 'round him fall
As his troops prepare to maul.

Soon all that are left are a foolish two
Who faint in fear when Baywolf says "Boo."

Baywolf, the victor, feels quite bold
And turns to his men, ready to scold:
"Comrades-in-arms, you know I am old
And down to my bones I am always cold.
But, you, young men, are not very bold,
For rather than bathe, you're covered with mold.
And unless we kill this bard, 'twill always be told
How, among us, this ignominious day
Men fell around us this disgraceful way
As your own odor greeted each nose,
And they fell dead, without any blows."

As they turn on me quickly,
I let out a plea:
If before I die, they'll humor me,
And find me a word that rhymes with "orange."

----C. Marie Byars


Tuesday, March 31, 2015

No April Foolin'

Photo taken & "improved" by my daughter. My "alter ego", Grouch Marx.

Friday, February 20, 2015

The 50 Shades of the Picture of Dorian Christian Grey

[trash reading for the literary-minded*]

Dorian Christian Grey was exceptionally good-looking and successful in business... whatever that business was.  His friends keep reminding him of how handsome he is.  He sees other people in business aging, being treated as irrelevant, and, well, just not looking "hot" anymore.
Dorian had had his portrait painted by an up-and-coming artist.  The portrait and Grey's patronage launched this painter.  But, now, Dorian decides he will make a deal with the dar kside: he will sell his eternal soul for eternal youth.  His aging and every ugly deed he does will show up on the portrait,  instead, which he keeps hidden.
 He seduces and marries a young girl, "Anesthesia" (because she quickly dulls the mind, being so vapid). After a few "off-beat" encounters with her (which he had insisted upon, despite her half-hearted commitment), Grey decides he needs something much more bizarre to maintain interest.  He makes Ana sign a contract adhering to absolute secrecy on her part,  agreeing to do whatever he says. He then shows her the portrait and forces her to do weird, unspeakable things with it. (Therefore, I will not speak of them.  But, unfortunately for her, they do not involve body paint.) 
There are other sources of twisted enjoyment for Grey in this bizarre set-up. He also takes some sort of strange pleasure out of watching his portrait and his wife age while he does not.   He also gets a cheap thrill that "runs like electric current through the very core of his being" (just had to throw in the gratuitous Harlequin romance-type comment) by having her always refer to him as "Mr. Grey, sir."  He enjoys her degradation at watching the French maid (another gratuitous addition) refer to him as "Mon Cheri" or "Babycakes."
This goes on for decades.  However, the French maids came and went because, well, they weren't "hot" anymore. Ana realizes his immortal soul is in danger... and, amazingly, she still cares.  At last, she throws caution to the wind, and saves them both.   She throws the portrait in the fire, and he instantly ages. 
Grey feels freed, and embraces his new life... a life in Depends, which by now has become a "fetish" for both of them. With his business connections, they become spokespeople for Depends, and meet Mick Jagger on the Rolling Stones Depends tour. 
They all live happily ever after... well, at least for about five years.  Then the Grim Reaper, with cold and calculated precision (another gratuitous trite phrase) aims his steady scythe first at Dorian. Ana, seeing this, throws herself on the Reaper's scythe (thanks, Will, for that literary device from Romeo & Juliet).  As the reader can see, even though she disentangled herself from the messy portrait business, she remained as vapid as ever.  
[Warning to children & others:  do not try this at home.  Throwing yourself on sharp objects, ending your life for a lost love or ANY reason, or threatening to or thinking about doing are very serious.  Seriously.  Bad parody aside.]
 The Reaper stealthily captured Mick during a botox procedure to keep those fantastic lips.
So, they all left the world, only minimally improved from basic shallowness.   And, there, my readers, you have it: a Grey literary mash-up. (Not so hard because both men in the originals were callow.)  A mash-up with some elements for the "greying" crowd (pun intended).
     ----Author; wisely disavows public connection
     ----Published: USA, TakeAdVANTAGE Books, 3 years from never
*For my Christian readers: don't think I've turned on you.  I didn't read the "50" series nor see the movie; just read about them.
For those who object to "50" on domestic violence grounds, please don't think I'm making light of your concerns.  Concerns noted. I agree that Christian Grey shows very abusive tendencies, whatever someone might think separately about BDSM.

Sunday, February 1, 2015

President's Day

     We've had 44 [as of this posting] men who've led this country under the Constitution (plus eight more who led it under the Articles of Confederation).  This month let's take more than just a day to remember them; however much we might criticize them, it's a tough job.

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Happy Holidays!

This December, my family and I are re-habbing a foreclosed home we bought.  We've been living in a small apartment meanwhile.  So, this month, please enjoy past postings of the season.  You may want to use the tags below for  "Christmas".
God bless your season and your celebrations! 


Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Temperature Conversion Chart

As the seasons change, a guide:

60 Degrees Fahrenheit.  Southern Californians shiver uncontrollably.  New Englanders sunbathe.

40 Degrees F.  Italian & English cars wont' start.  New Englanders drive with the windows down.

20 Degrees.  Floridians put on heavy coats, gloves, wool hats & thermal underwear.  New Englanders throw on a flannel shirt.

0 Degrees.  All the people in Miami freeze to death.  New Englanders close the windows.

20 Degrees Below Zero.  Californians fly to Mexico.  New England Girl Scouts start selling cookies door-to-door.

40 Below.  Washington, D.C. runs out of hot air.  New Englanders let the dogs sleep in side.

60 Below.  Santa Claus abandons the North Pole.  New Englanders get frustrated because they can't start their "kahs."    ---Anonymous circular

Saturday, June 7, 2014


 "We’ll start the war from right here."   --General Ted Roosevelt*, Jr., D-Day**

*President Theodore Roosevelt's oldest son.
**June 6, 1944:  storming the beaches at Normandy, the Allies got off-course, and Roosevelt knew he had to take action. There was no turning back.

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Groucho One-Liners

To a pretty girl:  "You  have a good head on your shoulders, and I wish it were on mine."

To a cartoonist:  "If you want to see a comic strip, you should see me in the shower."

To a musician: "Beethoven is famous for his fifth, and he never touched a drop."

---Groucho Marx, from "You Bet Your Life"

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Saturday, March 1, 2014


Christ of St. John of the Cross
Salvador Dali, 1951

Painting History & Information

Saturday, January 4, 2014

A Different Course

"In a world that's often unnecessarily cruel, strive to be unfailingly kind."     ---C. Marie Byars

Friday, December 13, 2013

O Tannenbaum: New Translation

O Christmas Tree, O Christmas Tree,
How steadfast are your branches!
Your boughs are green in summer's clime
And through the snows of wintertime.
O Christmas Tree, O Christmas Tree,
How steadfast are your branches!

O Christmas Tree, O Christmas Tree,
Your boughs can teach a lesson
That constant faith and hope sublime
Lend strength and comfort through all time.
O Christmas Tree, O Christmas Tree,
Your boughs can teach a lesson.

--More direct translation from the German
(and more meaningful)

Saturday, November 2, 2013

More for Lexophiles

  •  To write with a broken pencil is . . . pointless.        
  •  When fish are in schools they sometimes . . . take debate.        
  •  A thief who stole a calendar . . . got twelve months.        
  •  When the smog lifts in Los Angeles , . . . U.C.L.A.        
  •  The professor discovered that her theory of earthquakes . . . was on shaky ground.        
  • The batteries were given out . . . free of charge.  
  •  A dentist and a manicurist got married. .. . . They fought tooth and nail.
  •  A will is a . . . dead giveaway.        
  •  With her marriage, she got a new name . .. . and a dress.
  •  Show me a piano falling down a mineshaft and I'll show you . . . A-flat miner.
  • You are stuck with your debt if . . . you can't budge it.
  •  Local Area Network in Australia : . . . The LAN down under.
  • A boiled egg is . . . hard to beat.
  • When you've seen one shopping center . . . you've seen a mall.
  • Police were called to a day care where a three-year-old was . . .. resisting a rest.        
  • If you take a laptop computer for a run you could . . . jog your memory.
  • A bicycle can't stand alone; . . .. it is two tired.
  • In a democracy it's your vote that counts; in feudalism, it's your Count that votes.
  •  When a clock is hungry . . .. it goes back four seconds.
  •  The guy who fell onto an upholstery machine . . . was fully recovered.
  •  He had a photographic memory . . . which was never developed.
  •  Those who get too big for their britches will be . . . exposed in the end.
  •  When she saw her first strands of gray hair, . . . she thought she'd dye.
---From an anonymous e-mail circular 

Thursday, October 10, 2013

A Time for Everything

To paraphrase from words more divinely eloquent than mine:

"There is an appointed time for everything.  
And there is a time for every event under heaven ~
 A time to economize, and a time to expand;

A time to plant, and a time to uproot what is planted.
 A time to regulate, and a time to deregulate;

A time to criticize opponents, and a time to build consensus.
A time to weep, and a time to laugh;

A time to mourn, and a time to dance.
A time to be merciful , and a time to close borders;

A time to embrace, and a time to shun embracing.
A time to search for truth, and a time to give up searching;

A time to expand business, and a time to support the environment.
A time to debate, and a time to bring together;

A time to be silent, and a time to speak.
 A time to love, and a time to hate;

A time for war, and a time for peace. 
What profit is there to the populace from our toils?  I have seen the task which God has given the sons of men: to be wise stewards of earthly resources to use in the Kingdom of God.  He has made everything appropriate in its time."   
          ----Marie Byars, from Ecclesiastes 3:1-11